Sunday, July 15, 2012

Politics: The silly season...

In sportswriting, the term "silly season" is often used to describe the movement of coaching staff between teams and such.  A losing coach of one team would be hired on by one of his cronies on another team, or move to another team as head coach and such and so on.  In politics, it means a Presidential Election. 

Every four years we get to go through this, and when it's where and incumbent election, like this year one guy is trying to get re-elected and one guy is trying to take his job.  This time around we have these two guys who will duke it out come November.

On the left you have the current leader of the free world, Barack Obama, and on the right, Mitt Romney, former Governor of Massachusetts and the presumptive nominee of the Republican party in about a month.  In 2008, I voted for the guy on the left.  This year, more than likely I will vote for the guy on the right.  I haven't made my final choice as yet, but considering that I feel I made a major mistake when I connected the arrow in 2008 by voting for the current President, Mitt is the guy who will get my ink spot.

To further reference sports, it's going to be a "game day decision".

I love being a registered independent.  I have been one since 1996, when I changed my registration due to an flippant comment by a co-worker, accusing me of taking a vote away from President G.H.W. Bush in 1992 by voting for Ross Perot ruffled my feathers.  I wasn't looking for an "out" as such in 1996, (I voted for Perot then too), but after careful research of the facts, I decided to separate from the party system and vote with my brain, instead of following the other cattle down the chute.

It's very liberating.  I'd recommend it to anyone. 

I will tell you, even though I am doing my best to come around to Mitt's way of thinking, I am flummoxed as to why he is the best man for the job in the eyes of the GOP.  Sure, he's a smooth talker, and a successful businessman, but is he the best?  Moreover, is he the smartest? 

We as a country need a smart president.  One who knows both his people and how to do his job.  In my opinion neither one of the men pictured above are smart enough to tackle the job of leading this country through the current bad patch it's going through.  If I had my choice, or the ability to write in a candidate I would choose this guy:

File:Ron Paul, official Congressional photo portrait, 2007.jpg

That's Ron Paul, a Republican from Texas and a member of the U.S. House Of Representatives.  He is a physician, and he is more knowledgeable in the U.S. Constitution than either of the men pictured at the top of this entry.  Naturally, he got buried in the primaries by the better looking, and smoother talking Romney and the other GOP candidates.  I could stomach a man like Ron Paul a whole hell of a lot more than I could Mitt Romney because if he's elected he wants to fix the country before we fix the rest of the world. 

Novel concept?  Maybe, but it doesn't covince the voters.  He's also not in anyone's pocket, so naturally he got ignored by the traditional media and he's faded into the background.  His libertarian views clash with the rank-and-file GOP philosophy, so he didn't get the TV time in the debates that Romney, Newt Gingrich, and Herman Cain.  Still, if anyone is a rocket scientist in this year's Presidential election, he's that guy. 

If Mitt is the shrewd man he claims to be he will choose Ron Paul as a running mate.  Seeing him verbally undress Obama's village idiot Vice President, Joe Biden, will be very sweet indeed.  Sure, 2nd banana is not a glamour job but if Romney wants good, practical advice from his second in command, Paul would be an outstanding choice.  I am probably pissing on a forest fire making this recommendation, but it is one of the things that will propel me to vote Romney this time around.

So, if any of you wanted to know who I'm gonna vote for, now you know. 

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