I came up with the concept of this blog with a great deal of reservation.
If it is discovered in passing through the means, that one would discover it on social media one might construe it as a “suicide note”. I can assure you that I have no intention of self harm or of doing my self in.
But I’ve come to the realization that with no family around me in Tulsa or indeed, Oklahoma, barring the weird and crazy, lightning strike that might see me remarried. Before I die, I had better put it down somewhere what I would like upon my expiration.
I wish to be cremated. I would like my remains to be in Floral Haven cemetery in Broken Arrow Oklahoma. That is where my parents are buried, and that is where my daughter is buried. Now you know where I would like to be placed, or what remains of me be placed.
When my mother died, and we planned her funeral, one of the things that they offered to me and my was certain things that her ashes could’ve been placed in and given as keepsakes. My memory fails me, but I do remember that they came in the form of a locket that one could wear the neck, or a keychain. Something like that.
I will leave it to the discretion of whoever finds this or whoever takes the mantle of responsibility to get my final wishes taken care of, but it would be cool for that to be done with me and my son Sean get one of those keepsakes. Probably the keychain.
Other than that, that’s basically it I don’t have any great ideas for a service, other than I do hope that I have one. Most of you know my musical taste. And you know what music I would like to hear as if I was there, so I’ll leave that alone.
I have to tell everybody that it’s extremely weird to do this, I am writing to you on Sunday, April 2, 2023, and I am 54 years old and hopefully of somewhat sound mind. In all honesty that’s probably up for debate.
Especially after this year.
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