Wednesday, July 27, 2022

TikTok has replaced the blog…

 I was reflecting the other day on this volume and how long is lasted. I started this in 2010 and I won’t go into the specifics as to why it was started because you already know if you were a regular reader… If I have any left.

That said, back in those days a text blog like this was a lot more common then say a vlog on YouTube or the newest incarnation of a Vlog which is a TikTok video.

And like any good would be amateur multimedia journalist I joined up in September 2020 I currently have a little over 9300 followers. The goal when I started was to attain 10,000 followers, 100,000 likes and be able to dip my finger into what they call a “creator fund“ in order to supplement income.

I’m currently closing in on the 10,000 but I am about 80,000 off of my likes. So I would obviously be reaching one before I reach the other and it’s gonna take longer to get the likes.

It’s hard to believe that either manner of Vlog could become a career for anyone.

I tried monetizing this Vlog and was ignorant enough about how it works that I likely missed the boat. You can read ads on the front page and I would encourage you to click them but I have no idea what those ads are and I’m hoping that it’s nothing salacious or misleading. 

I have no control over that.

Anyway that’s another place where you can access my life and documentation of a ridiculous one.

@richlohman on tiktok 😉

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