Friday, July 4, 2014

Independence Day Post, 2014...

It was this day 238 years ago that the United States of America was born.

Ordinarily I would have something more profound to say on that subject but I am trying to let it sink in that our country is still considered a youngster compared to other nations around the world despite the fact that 238 years is a pretty damned long time.

That said, I am glad we have a day like today.  I have only been around 45 years but I have fond memories of every Independence Day.  One of the more odd aspects of this holiday is that not once that I can remember has it ever been rained out.  Oh, we have had rain on this day...thunderstorms as a matter of fact...but they have always held off until after the last firework shell went off. 

I remember the times venturing down to the Arkansas River here in Tulsa, sitting on the grass and watching Tulsa's display.  A couple of times at Skelly Stadium watching the displays that would take place after soccer games, and at Drillers Stadium and Bell's, our local amusement park.  Countless picnics in the park, and our own neighborhood displays...when this block had kids that is.  The street looked like a war zone afterwards.

It's easy to be sentimental about things that happened when I was a kid because we did things as a family in those days.  Of course, it was just Mom, Dad, My sister and I, but it was always a fun day. 

Hope everyone had a good and safe one...God Bless America.

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